This seems to be a hard task for me! I hate spending a ton of money stuffing these things, but the kidos love them. I really try to keep the candy down to a minimum. So, I have found some different ideas to share with you.
We do not have cable TV - nothing but FUZZ - so, my kidos always get a movie to add to our movie collection.
My kidos love Gum, so this is always a good idea.
Toothbrushes! We are always in need of new toothbrushes. I love the Firefly ones because they light up telling the kids how long to brush.
Flashlights - What kid doesn't like flashlights.
Rice crispies cut out with Christmas shapes and wrapped up special.
Hairbows are always great for that little girl.
A new Tie for the boys.
Traditional Orange.
A date night certificate with mom and dad.
Make a Paper Airplane book. My boys love making Paper Airplanes. If you type in How to make Paper Airplanes on line, a ton of different models come up. I want to make a special little book.
Homemade Playdough.
A certificate to the Home Depot Children's Workshop. This one is a great one. I looked into this. The workshop is free for kids ages 5-12. It is on Saturdays from 9-12 on every first Saturday of the month.
Bathtub Paint: Kids absolutely love making messes, and mom's like anything that keeps that mess contained. Even better if the mess actually helps clean up a bit, too! That is why this is a win-win stocking stuffer! Find a few small tubs to keep the paint in. Baby food containers, small plastic food containers and icing tubs work great. Start by mixing 1 Tablespoon cornstarch, and 1/3 cup liquid dish detergent (be sure to use something that won't irritate your kids' skin!) Keep mixing in cornstarch until it is the consistency you want. I use quite a bit of cornstarch for bathtub paint since if they are taking a bath the water will already dilute it. Separate the mixture into containers and add food coloring to the color you want and mix. Let the kiddo's enjoy!
Homemade holiday crayons: gather up all of those broken crayon pieces and make some use out of them! Cut them up into small bits, get a cute candy or soap mold from a hobby store such as Michael's, and make some new crayons! Preheat your oven to 150 degrees. Put the slivers of crayons into the mold (you don't have to do only one color, you can put more than one in each!) Bake for about 15-20 minutes until the wax is melted. Let the crayons cool, and pop out of the mold when cool. Wrap in cute little cellophane to keep other items from getting all colored on and stuff that stocking! (if you have a little helper, please make sure the adult is the only one handling the hot materials.
Tub-Time Bath Crayons
You will Need:
1 cup grated Ivory Soap
1/4 cup warm water
Food Coloring
Plastic Cookie cutters
How to:
Mix water, soap & food coloring together in med. size bowl. Stir the crayon
mixture until it begins to stiffen. Remove the mixture from the bowl and knead
until it is the consistency of a very thick dough. Spoon Crayon Mixture into
plastic cookie cutters or other plastic molds (playdough molds work great too!).
Press down firmly. Place the plastic cookie cutters in your freezer for 10 mins
or in your refrigerator for 30 mins. When firm, Pop the bath crayons out of the
cookie cutters (or other molds) and allow them to air dry overnight or until
Ideas for Molds:
Ice Cube Trays
Playdough Molds & Cutters
Tupperware Cookie Cutters
Plastic Cookie Cutters
Plastic Guest Soap Molds (buy at local craft store) The Plastic divided tray
that comes in choc. candy boxes and so forth!
Homemade Finger Paints
2 cups of Plastic Liquid Starch
1 cup of Ivory Snow Detergent Flakes
Food Coloring
Beat with rotary beater or mixer until the volume is tripled. Divide and add in
food coloring as desired. Store in covered containers in refrigerator. Freezer
paper is GREAT to let the kids finger paint on!
Homemade Blowing Bubbles for Kids!
1/2 cup of handwashing dish detergent
5 cups of tap water
1 container with lid
1 bubble blowing wand
Mix Water and dishwashing liquid together well but dont over stir it!
Matchbox cars are $.98 and are always a big hit with boys.
Crossword puzzles or Sudoku
Small Puzzles are always a good idea.
Lip Balm or Lotions.
1. Good for 2 hours of Lego building with mom.
2. Good for 1 homemade meal of choice.
3. Good for 1 dessert dinner.
4. Good for 1 cookie baking session
5.Good for 1 video rental and a friend over
6. Good for late, late bedtime
7. Good for 1 lunch out with mom
There are so many ideas. I hope that these help with some frugal ideas.
DIY Spring Moss Bunny Topiary
1 day ago
ReplyDeleteHey it's Amanda here; do you know about Krazy coupon lady?? You can get a couple of different christmas dvd's at walmart now for $2.
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Great ideas! I like the bath tub paint, I think I'm going to try that!